Editorial - African Journal of Diabetes medicine (2021)

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Deparment of Endocrinology, Diponegoro University, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author:

Agu Salim, Deparment of Endocrinology, Diponegoro University, Indonesia, Email: asalim17087@gmail.com

Received: 09-Jul-2021 Accepted Date: Jul 23, 2021 ; Published: 30-Jul-2021

Gestational Diabetes mellitus is commonly seen disorder of sugar tolerance happens or initial acknowledged at the time of gestation is underway. this case is common at the instant 24 weeks fertilization age and most sufferers are going to be back to traditional on when giving birth. DM gestational has been into world issues as seen from the amount of prevalence and therefore the impact thereof. This analysis aims to grasp the chance factors of polygenic disorder incidence gestational in Clinics of Mangasa Makassar town 2017. style research design used was descripted analytic with cross sectional study. This research was enforced in July till Oct 2017, with the amount of samples of 68 respondents. On the analysis indicates bahwa no relation age of pregnant ladies with polygenic disorder physiological condition with a worth of p (1.00)>0.05 and there’s a major relationship between case history of DM with Genesis polygenic disorder gestational with a value of p (0.00)<0.05 and there is a significant relationship between history of high blood pressure with diabetes gestational the worth (0.00)<p 0.05. It’s counseled to try to to a screening of pregnant mothers within the early stages with blood sugar checks to enhance maternal health particularly throughout physiological condition to forestall complication that perhaps solely occurred during labor.

Diabetes mellitus gestational is outlined as the glucose intolerance of any degree with onset or initial recognition throughout pregnancy this is cured either due to insulin or diet modification only these are solely used for the treatment and it cannot be predicted whether condition continues after pregnancy or child birth. This doesn’t rule out the chance that unrecognized glucose intolerance might have started at the same time with the pregnancy or not.

This situation is common at the instant twenty four weeks fetal age and most sufferers are going to be back to normal on once after child birth takes place Almost 50% cases of the figure of prevalence of Diabetes can appear DMG has been into global issues as seen from the rate of occurrence and the impact thereof. According to American Diabetic Association in 2000, diabetes mellitus gestational 7% occurred in gestation every year. The occurance of diabetes varied gestational is 1%-14%. This number depends on the population studied and also the filtering criteria used.

DMG happens around 4% of all pregnancies within the United States, and 3%-5% in the UK Prevalence of Diabetes mellitus was in the European gestational of 2%-6%. The prevalence of pre diabetes in Indonesia is 10% by 2007 while the prevalence of diabetes mellitus gestational in Indonesia have reached to 1.9%-3.6% in pregnancy generally and about 40%–60% of women have been troubled with DMG on advancement for 5–10 years post-delivery will evolve into Diabetes Mellitus. In pregnant women with diabetes mellitus as a hereditary problem the chance of occurance of diabetes gestational amounted to 5.1% This figure is lower when compared to few other countries and United States. Nevertheless, the problem of diabetes gestational in Indonesia still needs serious handling since the the number of sufferers is increasing as well as the impact is mostly on a pregnant woman and the fetus.

The Data which is taken from South Sulawesi province health service year 2009 regarding routine disease surveillance is not transferable or contagious hospitalization have been reported from the hospital obtained the number of cases of DMG are as many as 283 cases with a prevalence of 0.1%

Diabetes mellitus gestational has become a public health problem since this diseases have a direct impact on the health of both mother and the fetus. The mother is at high risk because of diabetes mellitus gestational since it leads to excess weight gain the onset of preeclampsia, cardiovascular complications, surgical, eclampsia and caesarean to maternal deaths. After labor, then pregnant women are at risk of type 2 diabetes affected continuing or recurring gestational diabetes happens in 3 days to come. Whereas babies born from mothers who have experienced gestational diabetes were at high risk too for exposing makrosomia,birth trauma. In addition, babies exposed to high risk of hypoglycemia, hypocalcaemia polisitemia syndrome hiperbilirubinemiaobesity and diabetes mellitus type 2 respiratory disorders.

The number of pregnant women at Clinics Mangasa Makassar city in 2016 have reached to 864 pregnant women the number of cases of pregnant women who were exposed to risky DMG did not reach beyond this number. In the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) one point it aims to improve the health of the pregnant women. With a continuous observation on pregnant mothers in the early stages can be one way to improve the health of them especially during pregnancy sometimes it is only focused to many specific diseases such as hypertension and anemia, whereas for less DM get noticed unless the pregnant woman has been suffering from a long history of the disease of Diabetes Mellitus before pregnancy. This is also one among the working research programs of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) that granted to every place health services antenatal care in particular to be able to do required treatment after screening as early as possible to pregnant women to avoid probability of complications occurred during labor. This made researchers enthusiasm in examining risk factors of Diabetes mellitus Occurrence gestational in Clinics Mangasa Makassar city and this is the sole purpose of this research

This research takes place in the month of July to October 2017 set in the region of clinics Mangasa Makassar city with the number of samples 68 people After the data is collected, processed and analyzed the data further in Univariate and Bivariate.

As for the conclusions of this research as follows:

Irrespective of the age pregnant women are suffering with diabetes gestasional in Clinics. Most of the cases are seen in women with family histories of DM with diabetes gestasional in there is a relationship between history of hypertension with diabetes gestasional Mangasa.

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