Citations Report
African Journal of Diabetes medicine : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in African Journal of Diabetes medicine have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. African Journal of Diabetes medicine has got h-index 21, which means every article in African Journal of Diabetes medicine has got 21 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in African Journal of Diabetes medicine.

  2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Total published articles

50 62 60 55 10 5 8

Research, Review articles and Editorials

0 3 3 9 2 5 0

Research communications, Review communications, Editorial communications, Case reports and Commentary

30 57 57 27 8 0 1

Conference proceedings

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Citations received as per Google Scholar, other indexing platforms and portals

69 118 141 160 129 138 134
Journal total citations count 1471
Journal impact factor 1.93
Journal 5 years impact factor 3.30
Journal cite score 4.05
Journal h-index 21
Journal h-index since 2019 13

Ketoacidosis at diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents in Lagos, South-West Nigeria: the pattern over 10 years

Diabetes mellitus: Identifying the knowledge gaps and risk factors among adolescents attending a public school in Lagos State

Pattern of presentation of Type 1 diabetic patients in Kano, Nigeria

Prevalence of diabetes mellitus among children and adolescents in the district of Abidjan in Cote d'Ivoire: a population-based study

Ongoing and planned activities to improve the management of patients with Type 1 diabetes across Africa; implications for the future

Clinical and microbiological examination of tissues of diabetic foot after amputation in a specialized clinical hospital in North India

Predictors of lower extremity amputation among patients with diabetic foot ulcer in a tertiary health facility in North Central Nigeria

The Diabetic Foot Worldwide: Sub?Saharan Africa

Reducing the menace of major lower limb amputations in Diabetic Foot Syndrome

Diabetic Foot Ulcer Disease in African Continent:'From clinical care to Implementation'–Review of diabetic foot in last 60 years–1960 to 2020

Surgical Management of Cases Presenting with Diabetic Foot in Kosi Region of Bihar

Clinico-microbiological study of diabetic limb amputations in a tertiary care hospital in North India

Salvaging the diabetic foot: is earlier better?

To analyze type of surgery done, multi-disciplinary surgical procedure, anti-microbial used and post op care in patients with diabetic foot infection

Diabetic-Foot Complications in African and Antarctica Continents

Diabetic-Foot Complications in African and Antarctica Continents

Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Epidemiology, Management Modalities and Outcome at Benue State University Teaching Hospital Makurdi

Low-Cost Management of Diabetic Foot

Correlation between digital palpation of pedal pulses and duplex Doppler ultrasonography in evaluating vascular status of the lower limbs in adult diabetics

A comparative study of primary cellulitis and its local complications in lower limbs in diabetics and non-diabetics through the new Amit Jain’s staging system from India

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